OraVerse (Phentolamine Mesylate Injection) - updated on RxList
OraVerse (Phentolamine Mesylate Injection) Drug Information: Description, User Reviews, Drug Side Effects, Interactions - Prescribing Information at RxList webmd.ads.adSeedCall = function () { var self = this; var defer = new jQuery.Deferred(); self.adSeedCallTimeout = setTimeout(function () { defer.resolve(); }, 1000); var pageviewId = window.s_pageview_id || ''; var iframeURLOutOfPB = '//as.webmd.com/html.ng/transactionID=4276914781205&tile=4276914781205&site=2&affiliate=21&app=7&bc=_t886_sex3_sex2_r52_o92_o8_n97_n46_k591_j10_i10_h54_h52_h21_h16_gen2_gen1_g473_food_fit_f65_f10_diet_cust4_bty21_age234_age123_age122_age121_age11_a49_&dmp=_lnull_&xpg=4208&artid=173798&pos=5200¶ms.styles=json01&pvid=' + pageviewId; var cleanIframeURL = iframeURLOutOfPB.replace(/&/g, '&'); require([cleanIframeURL], function () { clearTimeout(self.adSeedCallTimeout); defer.resolve(); } ); return defer.promise(); } webmd.ads.adSeedCallPromise = webmd.ads.adSeedCall(); (function () { var pageviewId = window.s_pageview_id || ''; var iframeURLOutOfPB = '//as.webmd.com/html.ng/transactionID=4276914781205&tile=4276914781205&site=2&affiliate=21&pos=101&app=7&bc=_t886_sex3_sex2_r52_o92_o8_n97_n46_k591_j10_i10_h54_h52_h21_h16_gen2_gen1_g473_food_fit_f65_f10_diet_cust4_bty21_age234_age123_age122_age121_age11_a49_&dmp=_lnull_&xpg=4208&artid=173798&pvid=' + pageviewId; var cleanIframeURL = iframeURLOutOfPB.replace(/&/g, '&'); var ad = { adLocation: 'banner', adURL: cleanIframeURL, trans: '4276914781205', tile: '4276914781205', pos: '101' }; webmd.ads.handleAdSeedCall(ad); })(); Like UsFollow UsOraVerse
(phentolamine mesylate) Injection
Phentolamine mesylate is phenol,3-[[(4,5-dihydro-1H-imidazol-2-yl)methyl](4-methyl-phenyl)amino]-,methanesulfonate(salt), a non-specific alpha adrenergic blocker.
Phentolamine mesylate USP is a white to off-white,odorless crystalline powder with a molecular weight of 377.46. It is sparinglysoluble in water, soluble in alcohol, and slightly soluble in chloroform. The empiricalformulation is C17H19N3O•CH4O3S,and the chemical structure is:
OraVerse (phentolamine mesylate) Injection is a clear,colorless, sterile, non pyrogenic, isotonic, preservative free solution. Each1.7 mL cartridge contains 0.4 mg phentolamine mesylate, D-mannitol, edetatedisodium, and sodium acetate. Either acetic acid or sodium hydroxide is used asnecessary to adjust the pH.
Last reviewed on RxList: 9/20/2013This monograph has been modified to include the generic and brand name in many instances. « Previous1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Next »Next: Drug Description #articleInArticle, #TOCcontainer, #centersTOC { clear: right; } #share_tools { margin: 15px 0 10px; padding: 0; display: none; border-left: #9BCCE4 5px solid; border-radius: 2px 2px 2px 2px; } #share_tools .links { padding: 0 5px; } #share_tools p.share_header { color: #696969; margin: 0 0 7px 10px !important; font-size: 10px !important; line-height: 10px !important; text-transform: uppercase; } #share_tools a { float: left; display: inline; margin: 0 10px 0 0; width: auto; color: #444; padding: 3px; font-size: 10px; text-transform: uppercase; line-height: 16px; text-decoration: none; } #share_tools a.facebook i { background:url(http://images.rxlist.com/images/socialmedia/facebook.png) no-repeat; } #share_tools a.twitter i { background:url(http://images.rxlist.com/images/socialmedia/twitter.png) no-repeat; } #share_tools a.print i { background:url(http://images.rxlist.com/images/socialmedia/print.png) no-repeat; } #share_tools a.email i { background:url(http://images.rxlist.com/images/socialmedia/email.png) no-repeat; } #share_tools a i { float: left; margin-right: 5px; width: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px; vertical-align: middle; } Share this Article: Facebook Twitter Email Print Additional OraVerse InformationOraVerse Side Effects CenterOraVerse FDA Approved Prescribing Information including Dosage
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