Alzheimer's Disease Must Reads
The disease can impair
memory, thinking, and behavior, causing personality and behavior changes,
language deterioration, and emotional apathy.
When Alzheimer’s was
first identified, by German physician, Alois Alzheimer, in 1906, it was
considered a rare disorder. Today, Alzheimer’s disease is recognized as the
most common cause of dementia, a disorder in which mental functions deteriorate
and break down. An estimated 5.3 million Americans have Alzheimer’s disease.
According to the Alzheimer’s Association, this number includes 5.1 million
people older than age 65, as well as 200,000 to 500,000 people younger than 65
who have early-onset Alzheimer’s and other types of dementias.
What causes Alzheimer’s
disease? Although intense investigation has been under way for many years, the
causes aren’t entirely known. They may include the following:
Age and family history
Certain genes
Abnormal protein deposits in the brain
Other risk and environmental factors
Immune system problems
Alzheimer's Symptoms
- Memory
loss, including trouble with directions and familiar tasks.
- Language
problems, such as trouble getting words out or understanding what is said.
- Accusation
of others having stolen things when they have been misplaced
- Difficulty
with planning, organizing, concentration, and judgment. This includes
persons not being able to recognize their own symptoms.
- Changes
in behavior and personality, including apathy, irritability or aggressive
Tests and Procedures
There is not a single,
comprehensive test for diagnosing Alzheimer’s disease. By ruling out other
conditions through a process of elimination, doctors can diagnose probable
Alzheimer’s disease with about 90 percent accuracy. However, the only way to
confirm the diagnosis is through autopsy of the brain.
It’s essential to
determine whether the dementia is the result of a treatable illness. In
addition to a complete medical history and extensive neurological motor and
sensory exam, diagnostic procedures for Alzheimer’s disease may include the
Mental status test
Neuropsychological testing
Blood tests
Lumbar puncture (spinal tap)
Chest X-ray
Electroencephalogram (EEG)—a procedure that records the brain’s
continuous electrical activity using electrodes attached to the scalp
Computed tomography scan (CT scan)
Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG)—a test that records the electrical
activity of the heart
Medications can help
with some of the most troubling symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease, such as
depression, behavioral disturbance, and sleeplessness. In managing the disease,
physical exercise and social activity are important, as are proper nutrition
and maintaining good health.
People who have
Alzheimer’s benefit from a calm environment, with daily activities that help to
provide structure, meaning, and accomplishment. It’s important to adapt
activities and routines so that the individual can do as many things
independently as possible.
Because the controllable
risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease are unknown, it isn’t yet possible to
reduce the chances of developing the disease. At this time, there is no cure
for Alzheimer’s, no way of slowing down its progression, and no treatment
available to reverse the deterioration. But new research findings give reason
for hope, and several drugs are being studied in clinical trials to determine
if they can improve memory or slow the progress of the disease.
source Better Medicine (dot) com